
Claims, DAAB, and Arbitration in FIDIC 2017

  • Lectures 44
  • Quizzes 0
  • Duration 4:38:42
  • Language english
  • Reviews (16)
49$ 107 Student


Course Title

Claims, DAAB, and Arbitration in FIDIC 2017

Course Subtitle

From Variation to Claims and Arbitration including ICC Rules

Course Description

This course covers the claims starting from •Liabilities & Indemnities, and •Variation Procedure. The •Suspension & Termination are also discussed with the EOT claims cases.

Then the engineer role in •Claims & Determination, and DAAB role in •Dispute (DAAB Agreement & Procedural Rules).

Types of Arbitration are included with the award circumstances in•Arbitration & ICC.

What are the requirements for this course?

General knowledge of contract law and projects contractual problems.

Course Review


16 Reviews
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5 Lectures 00:47:02
Liabilities and Indemnities

About FIDIC 2017 to different types of Indemnities

1 Section 01 Content
2 About FIDIC 2017
3 Design and Care of Works Responsibility
4 Liability Limits
5 Indemnities
6 Lectures 00:35:22
Variation Procedure

Instruction and proposal cases

1 Section 02 Content
2 Instructions and Review
3 Right to Vary or Propose
4 Variation Procedure
5 Valuation and New Prices
6 Variation Flowchart
8 Lectures 00:51:45
Claims and Determination

Records and claims procedure

1 Section 03 Content
2 Administration and Records
3 CLAIM Sub-Clauses
4 Agree or Determine
5 Determination Scenarios
6 Claims Procedure
7 Claims of continuing effect
8 Claim agreement or determination
13 Lectures 01:22:45
Suspension and Termination

EOT, suspension, termination, and optional termination

1 Section 04 Content
2 Contract Termination
3 Time for Completion
4 Site Access Rights and Obligations
5 Commencement Date and Programme
6 EOT Risks
7 Extension of Time for Completion
8 Delay Analysis and Damages
9 Employer’s Suspension
10 Suspension and Termination by Contractor
11 Termination by Employer
12 Exceptional Events and Termination
13 Optional Termination
7 Lectures 00:38:33

DAAB Agreement & Procedural Rules

1 Section 05 Content
2 Contract Closing
3 Dispute Decision before DAB or DAAB
4 DAAB Flowchart
5 DAAB Constitution
6 DAAB Decision
7 DAA Agreement and Procedural Rules
5 Lectures 00:23:15
Arbitration and ICC

Relationship, Amicable Settlement, and Arbitration

1 Section 06 Content
2 Importance of Relationships
3 Arbitration in FIDIC
4 Arbitration Agreement and Award
5 ICC Rules

Student Feedback


16 Reviews
5 Stars
4 Stars
3 Stars
2 Stars
1 Star

Nizar Muhammad Bachal

Monther A. M. Al-Ashqar

Yasser Mohamed Saied Ali

Ahmed Abdelwahb

Mohamed Ali Elbadry


Mohamed Farah

Amir Mamdouh

Tamer Mohamed


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M Maged Hegazy

M Maged Hegazy

Project Management Consultant