
Schedule Planning and Control

  • Lectures 43
  • Quizzes 0
  • Duration 3:4:0
  • Language english
  • Reviews (14)
20$ 105 Student


Course Title

Schedule Planning and Control

Course Subtitle

Planning Engineer Interview Questions with Samples

Course Description

The course covers the main areas of planning and control including numerous samples.

The planning and control of schedule in 50 planning interview questions according to version 5.0 of scheduling fundamentals planning and control in 2019. 

The course covers from Q24 to Q50 with examples of deliverables.

Numerous Samples are included such as WBS, Activity list, Productivity sheet, Bar chart, Resources histogram, Resource leveing, C

ash flow, Cost control report, Dashboard, Reports, EOT Claim, and Delay Analysis Report

What are the requirements for this course?

The knowledge about project scheduling, you may attend the course (Planning Interview Questions) first.

Course Review


14 Reviews
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5 Lectures 00:23:26
Schedule Update and Control

Introduction and Schedule Update

1 Course and Section 05 Content
2 Q24- Time Schedule Update
3 Q25- Activity Percent Complete Determination
4 Q26- Scheduling Approaches
5 Q27- Line of Balance
7 Lectures 00:34:08
Analysis and Reporting

EV, BIM, and Report levels

1 Section 06 Content
2 Q28- Earned Value Analysis
3 Q29- Forecasting using EVM
4 Q30- Trend Analysis
5 Q31- Levels of Reporting
6 Q32- BIM and 4D Scheduling
7 Q33- Progress Control and Closing
9 Lectures 00:36:41
Delays and Mitigation

Delay reasons, types, and revised schedule

1 Section 07 Content
2 Q34- Negative Total Float Cases
3 Q35- Float Ownership Debate
4 Q36- Project Delay Reasons
5 Q37- Schedule Compression Techniques
6 Q38- Productivity Enhancement
7 Q39- Prolongation Cost Eligibility
8 Q40- Changes Implications
9 Q41- Revised Schedule Cases
9 Lectures 00:39:39
EOT Claims

Claim submittal and delay analysis

1 Section 08 Content
2 Q42- Claims and Disputes
3 Q43- EOT Claim Submittal
4 Q44- Concurrent Delay
5 Q45- Time at Large
6 Q46- Delay Analysis Approaches
7 Q47- Delay Analysis Documents - SCL
8 Q48- Types of Contracts
9 Q49- Contract and EOT
1 Lectures 00:04:24
Professional Certificates

Enhance your knowledge and CV

1 Q50- Professional Certificates
6 Lectures 00:22:39
Planning Deliverables Samples

Full time schedule submittals

1 Section 10a Content
2 Phasing and WBS
3 MS, Activities, and Calendars
4 Summary and Detailed Schedule
5 Productivity, Duration, and Leveling
6 Histograms, S-Curve, and Narrative
5 Lectures 00:20:16
Control Deliverables Samples

Update, Reports, and EOT claim

1 Section 10b Content
2 Update, Look-ahead, and Reporting
3 Cost Control and Dashboard
4 Action plan and EOT Claim
5 Delay Analysis
1 Lectures 00:02:47

Time schedule life-cycle

1 Conclusion - Schedule life-cycle

Student Feedback


14 Reviews
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Atheer Ibrahim Elsakka

Hazem Said Ebeid

Mohanad Omar

ashraf maria

Mahmoud Abd Elrady Mahmoud


Arwa Jahin

Mohamed Ali Elbadry

Abdullah Youssif

amir reda moustafa

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M Maged Hegazy

M Maged Hegazy

Project Management Consultant